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Biochemical Individuality

Biochemical Individuality - the concept that the nutritional and chemical make-up of each person is unique and that dietary needs therefore vary from person to person. (Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. © 2005, Elsevier.) Biochemical individuality can be assessed by using blood type and key epigenetic measurements. Practitioners can assess each patient on an individual basis, recommend appropriate diet, and develop innovative, targeted and effective therapeutic strategies to improve disease management addressing an array of common health conditions.

Biotherapeutic DrainageTM

Bio: "Prefix indicating relationship to life." (Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1993)
Therapeutic: "Pertaining to results obtained from treatment." (Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, 1993)
Drainage: "Cells release wastes and toxins into the surrounding tissues. Drainage is the process ensuring that these wastes and toxins are carried by blood and lymph out of cells and tissues toward the excretory organs call emunctories for their elimination." (Natural Medicine to a Medicine of the Individual, Dr. Gérard Guéniot with Dr. Pierre Tondelier, Editions Amyris, 2010)



Constitution: the physical structure consisting of skeletal structure and posture plus physical nature which are evident when faced with specific life situations that require the patient to take a stand. One can only determine the true Constitutional remedy for a patient once detoxification and a balanced Temperament are achieved and attention is paid to how a patient approaches the 9 Gates of Life. The Constitutions are listed below:

  • Carbonic (ordered, horizontal)
  • Phosphoric (ordered, vertical)
  • Fluoric (disordered, twisted)
  • Silicic (cross between phosphoric and fluoric)
  • Muriatic (phosphoric on top, carbonic on bottom)



Depuration means to cleanse or purify. It is used as a term for the removal of xenobiotics from the body. A xenobiotic is a chemical compound such as a drug, pesticide, or carcinogen that is foreign to a living organism. This means that the human body does not produce them, nor are they part of a normal diet. The levels of xenobiotics are often measured in blood or in fat. This is to first identify them, then to monitor them as they are removed. Examples of xenobiotics include: drugs such as antibiotics, heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium etc.), pesticides (2,4,5,TD or Agent Orange, DDT etc.) and benzene, toluene, PCBs, phthalates, dioxin. Because they are foreign, the body has a limited ability to eliminate them on its own. Often the means used to remove the xenobiotics are harsh, exceeding the physiological limits of the body. Frequently used methods of depuration are: IV chelation, deep heat dry sauna, exercise, massage, vitamin and mineral replacement and oral administration of xenobiotic binding substances.


Detoxification is often used in natural medicine in a general way to mean the elimination of toxins. Commonly used methods of detoxification include colonics, enemas, olive oil and lemon gall bladder flush, colon cleanse with products including fiber, clay, activated charcoal, herbs, herbal kidney cleanse, parasite purge, castor oil pack, fasts, juice fasts, Master Cleanse program, steam or sauna and foot baths or drawing patches. In the context of Biotherapeutic DrainageTM, detoxification can be used as another word for drainage, referring to eliminating normal metabolic waste products and environmental toxins.


Drainage is the process of detoxifying the body by opening the emunctories and then discharging the toxic accumulations. An emunctory is a tissue that is capable of allowing excretions to exit the body. When the natural excretory system is blocked or inadequate for normal metabolic catabolism, the patient will develop a condition, an illness, often an "itis." (Dr. Dickson Thom, DDS, ND)



Emunctory: any tissue that is capable of allowing excretions to exit the body. A pace of detoxification commensurate with the ability of the emunctories to freely discharge toxins is essential for efficient elimination of toxins. Insufficient elimination is at the base of any pathology. With insufficient elimination, the toxins accumulate in the blood. Then the secondary excretory organs kick in to attempt to eliminate these excess toxins. The emunctories can be primary and secondary. (Thom, Dick, DDS, ND, Biotherapeutic DrainageTM using the UNDA Numbers, JELD publications, 2001)

Endogenous toxins

Endogenous toxins: toxins originating within the body, including by-products of physiological metabolism (such as ammonia, bilirubin, creatinine, lactic acid, uric acid), metabolites under abnormal metabolic conditions (such as normal waste products abnormally accumulating, like CO2, H20, microbial breakdown products, excess production of neurotransmitters or hormones, excess degradation of neurotransmitters or hormones, excess free radical formation) and toxins acquired from the environment and stored in tissues, which then are continuously released (such as dental materials, medical implants, unresolved microbial foci).

Essential Fatty Acid (EFA)

Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) is a polyunsaturated acid, such as linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and arachidonic acids, essential in the diet for proper growth, maintenance, and functioning of the body. EFA's are prostaglandin precursors that play important roles in metabolism. They are also necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive and endocrine systems and cholesterol metabolism (Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. © 2009, Elsevier).The adequate provision of a balanced spectrum of fatty acids is one of the cornerstones of optimum nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids are still under-supplied in the general population and yet these fatty acids have demonstrable benefits in many aspects of human healthcare and disease prevention.




Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses the embryological tissues of plants to support healthy organ function, promote normal tissue regeneration, and encourage toxin elimination via the emunctory organs. It differs from other forms of phytotherapy as it is inspired by the principles of homeopathic drainage.


Homoeopathy and Nature Cure

Homoeopathy and Nature Cure - Dr. Lindlahr comments on how the theory and practice of Homeopathy agrees with and corroborates the laws and principles of Nature Cure: "Similia similibus curantur" is only another way of stating the fundamental law of Nature Cure: every acute disease is the result of a cleansing and healing effort of nature. If a certain set of disease symptoms is the result of a healing effort of nature, and if I give a remedy which produces the same or similar symptoms in the system, am I not aiding nature in her attempt to overcome the abnormal condition? In such as case, the indicated homeopathic remedy will not suppress the acute reaction, but will help it along, thus accelerating and hastening the curative process." (Lindlahr, Henry MD, Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, CW Daniel Company Limited, Essex, England, 1975.)

Human Microbiome

Human Microbiome is the complete genetic content of all the microorganisms that typically inhabit a particular environment, especially a site on or in the body, such as the skin or the gastrointestinal tract. (American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.) The human microbiota is the aggregate of microorganisms, a microbiome that resides on the surface and in deep layers of skin, in the saliva and oral mucosa, in the conjunctiva, and in the gastrointestinal tracts. They include bacteria, fungi, and archaea. The microbiome becomes a key driver to our health status in the period following birth and continues as a critical contributor to our health throughout the rest of our lives. The microbiome can be manipulated and potentially optimised by use of probiotics and prebiotics. There is clinical evidence of the effects of these nutritional factors on health and disease indicating positive benefits in the risk of developing allergies, reduction in inflammatory response, and enhanced immune function indicated by reduced rate of common infections. (Dr Nigel Plummer)


Individualized Medicine, Personalized Medicine or PM

Individualized Medicine, Personalized Medicine or PM is a medical model that proposes the customization of healthcare - with medical decisions, practices, and/or products being tailored to the individual patient. The notion of "one size fits all" is no longer appropriate. Using integrated tools for assessments, in-depth patient evaluation, therapies and treatments in individualized medicine, physicians and healthcare professionals are able to better predict disease risk, prevent disease development, and manage disease treatment more efficiently, keeping patients healthier and active longer.






Miasm: the genetically inherited plus acquired ability to detoxify on the cellular level. A miasm manifests itself in a patient by mode of cellular detoxification. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann first introduced the theory of miasms in 1822 to support the practitioner in understanding how to successfully detoxify a patient and to facilitate a return to normal physiology through assessment of Reactional modes. Miasms are an energetic concept that can only be expressed through Temperaments. The miasms are listed below:

  • Psoric
  • Sycotic
  • Tuberculinic
  • Syphylitic, or Luetic


MTC 1 - Clinical Patient Evaluation: Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions. By incorporating the theories of Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions (MTC), practitioners will learn how to use these assessment tools to treat acute and chronic pathologies and why the importance of "physiology prevails over pathology" is essential to improving health and effecting positive change in the lives of your patients. By learning about MTC1, practitioners are provided with in-depth instruction and information into each of these principles enabling them to return to clinic immediately with the knowledge to recognize the key differences in each Miasm, Temperament and Constitution, as well as formulate treatment plans for effective case management.


MTC 2 - Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation & Treatment: Miasms, Temperaments & Constitutions. Program specifically designed for practitioners who have taken MTC1 and are currently incorporating the theories and patient evaluation of Miasms, Temperaments and Constitutions (MTC) in clinical practice. MTC2: Advanced Clinical Patient Evaluation and Treatments will provide comprehensive and advanced instruction, information and clinical practicum to provide physicians with a profound and deep level of knowledge to elevate patient care in accordance with nature's laws and formulate in-depth treatment plans for innovative and effective case management. The goal of this program is to assist practitioners to treat both acute and chronic pathologies and facilitate nature to take its course in assisting your patient's physiology to auto-regulate and self-heal.


Nature cure

"Nature cure is a system of man-building in harmony with the constructive principle in nature of the physical, mental and moral planes of being." (Henry Lindlahr MD, Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics). Dr. Lindlahr put order to the system of natural living and healing by demonstrating its effectiveness in his institutions as well as writing books to define the fundamental principles of Nature Cure philosophy. Nature cure practitioners were inspired by nature around them. They realized that people had lost their natural instinct and strayed far from nature's ways. There for they studied and imitated the natural habits of the animal world. They sought to understand the whole being and not just the parts, to see the causes of disease not just the effects and symptoms.


Oligo elements

Oligo elements or trace minerals, are essential minerals such as, copper, iodine, and selenium that are generally less abundant in the human body than mineral salts (e.g. calcium and sodium). Although present at low concentrations, oligo elements play a fundamental role in maintaining general health. The oligo elements used in oligo-element supplementation are provided in a highly bioavailable form, administered in small doses and at low concentrations. These trace elements are co-factors in a multitude of biochemical reactions where they accelerate the speed of these reactions without ever modifying the important equilibrium that exists and that must reign within the body to maintain optimum health.


"Physiology prevails over pathology"

"Physiology prevails over pathology" - The most long lasting and effective way of restoring health to the body is to work at an intra-cellular and extra-cellular level to remove toxins. By accomplishing this, we help support physiological functions, encouraging the body towards a state of dynamic equilibrium and self-regulation where true healing can begin. Hence, physiology will prevail over pathology.


Phytoembryotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that specifically incorporates plant embryological tissues (buds and young shoots) containing "plant meristem" cells – undifferentiated, fast dividing cells which contain the plant's genetic blueprint and material. These embryonic tissues are rich in beneficial phyto-chemicals including: growth factors and plant hormones, enzymes, nucleic acids, oligo-elements, and phytonutrients such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These embryological tissues are also utilized because many of the above mentioned components are lost in fully developed plants once chlorophyll is formed. These embryological tissues are also utilized because their energetic components are at their highest levels when they are harvested in the spring – the most active phase of the growth cycle.

Primary emunctories

Primary emunctories: the natural routes of elimination, including sweating through the skin, solid waste through the intestines, liquid waste through the kidney and urinary bladder and gaseous waste through the lungs (Thom, Dick, DDS, ND, Biotherapeutic DrainageTM using the UNDA Numbers, JELD publications, 2001)


Probiotics contain live bacteria or yeast that supplement the normal gastrointestinal flora. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.) Probiotic supplementation can help promote a healthy gut flora, by replenishing and maintaining beneficial strains. Human-sourced microflora bacterial strains are non-pathogenic and possess a natural physiological functionality to survive and colonize the intestinal tract.




Secondary Emunctories

Secondary emunctories: include the skin and mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. If these secondary routes are stopped from eliminating, then toxins will continue to accumulate in the tissues, leading to more serious disease. (Thom, Dick, DDS, ND, Biotherapeutic DrainageTM using the UNDA Numbers, JELD publications, 2001)

Systemic Enzyme Therapy (SET)

Systemic Enzyme Therapy (SET) encompasses the oral administration of combinations of proteolytic (protein-degrading) enzymes from plant and animal sources. Pioneered over 50 years ago, SET has a history of safe and effective use around the world. SET is one of the most extensively studied natural therapies in history and long considered an important part of traditional medicine in Germany and across Central and Eastern Europe. Numerous human clinical trials have demonstrated the benefits of SET across a range of indications related to inflammation response. Most notably, SET has been studied extensively in the areas of maintaining joint health and mobility, everyday aches and pains, response to injury and post-surgery, and in recovery to inflammation associated with vigorous exercise.



Temperament: temporo-spatial classification of the person: how the patient interacts with the world, the way of being in the world such as introverted or extroverted, more in the reasoning mind, or in sensation and in what combination and proportion. Understanding Temperaments will enable practitioners to truly grasp the concept of Homeopathy and its application to the modern patient. This is expressed in how a patient interprets, functions and interacts in the present with the outside world. The Temperaments are listed below:

  • Lymphatic, or Phlegmatic
  • Sanguine
  • Bilious, or Chloretic
  • Nervous, or Melancholic

The terrain

The terrain is the totality of biochemical and physiological functioning of an individual over time. It is the hereditary predisposition which defines the individual. The hereditary tendencies are further activated to varying degrees by lifestyle choices. Disease can be seen simply as an imbalance of terrain. The doctor, therefore, must uncover the path the patient has followed in becoming ill by an imbalanced terrain and how he/ she functions during the state of sickness. Then, through the law of similar and the use of Homeopathic remedies, the patient can reverse this process to recover health. This reversal to recover health is the recovery of the capacity to self-regulate.

Tissue salts (mineral salts)

Tissue salts (mineral salts) are composed of minerals that play a critical role in regulating cellular metabolism. While not directly involved in cellular energy production, tissue salts help to regulate the following cell functions: oxidation (the presence of mineral salts helps to support nutrient oxidation and absorption) and structural development (mineral salts help to promote normal cell function). Schüessler Tissue Salts act on the cellular level to balance and restore cell function.


Toxin: Any agent (physical, chemical, or microbial) that adversely modifies or damages a balanced biological system. These physical, chemical, and microbial agents may originate in the body as a by-product of metabolism or may enter from the external environment.


UNDA Numbered Compounds

UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique homeopathic remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins. UNDA Numbered Compounds are the only complex remedies of their type, formulated with both plants and metals, acting on organotropic and energetic sensitivity levels respectively. They are key in Biotherapeutic Drainage® as they work on a physiological and "terrain" level, making them an excellent addition to practitioners' prevention and treatment armamentarium. They are based on miasm and can significantly modify the terrain, or internal environment of a patient. In addition, they optimize the function of the primary emunctories (liver, kidneys, skin) and secondary emunctories (intestines, urinary bladder, and mucus membranes). UNDAs can channel toxins towards these organs to be eliminated efficiently.

UNDA Plex Remedies

UNDA Plex Remedies include condition-specific homeopathic specialties prepared using low dilutions of plant extracts and metal elements, as well as a unique selection of dietary supplements. Homeopathic Plex remedies are recommended for both acute and chronic ailments. The product range helps to support: the digestive, hormonal, immune, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, skin, oral, and vascular systems. Products come in a variety of formats: creams, liquids, lozenges, powders, gum, toothpaste and dissolvable tablets.

UNDA Single remedies

UNDA single remedies include a single active plant extract or elemental metal ingredient, and are prepared according to the standards of the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Single remedies are available in a variety of potencies, as per the Hahnemann and Korsakovian methods of dilution.